Red Grouper



  • Common Name: Red Grouper

    Scientific Name: Epinephelus Morio

    Catch Method: Wild Caught

    Origin: Indonesia

    Catch Area: Bintan

    Landed Date in Singapore: 16/3/2023

    For traceability purposes, Port65 has attached the latest shipment information for your reference.

  • Processed by: Hai Sia Seafood

    Processed on: 17/3/2023

    Use by (Chilled): 21/3/2023

    Use by (Frozen immediately upon purchase): 16/4/2023

  • Teochew Steam

    Sprinkle Salt on both side of the fish and set in a deep dish.

    Arrange sliced tomatoes, salted vegetables, one salted plum tofu around the fish, and place the ginger slices on top. Add some water into the dish.

    Steam on high heat. (Timing may vary in accordance to fish size)

    Garnish with Spring onion and ginger strips.


    Mediterranean-style with tomato, garlic, olive oil, and salt. 10 minutes at 190 degrees celcius (adjust based on your oven)

Traceability Database

information from previous batches

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from source, to you

Understand how our partners take pride in getting the best for our customers.

Port65 selects the best wild caught Red Groupers from the day’s catch for auction.

Red Groupers are well known for its firm meat texture, and bright red skin. They can be caught from different regions, and the most sought after size for this species is table sized Red Grouper, between 800g - 1.2kg.