Chinese Pomfret



  • Common Name: Chinese Pomfret

    Scientific Name: Pampus Chinensis

    Catch Method: Wild Caught

    Origin: India

    Catch Area: Andaman Island

    Landed Date in Singapore: 16/3/2023

    For traceability purposes, Port65 has attached the latest shipment information for your reference.

  • Processed by: Hai Sia Seafood

    Processed on: 16/3/2023

    Use by (Chilled): 21/3/2023

    Use by (Frozen immediately upon purchase): 16/4/2023

  • Teochew Steam

    Sprinkle Salt on both side of the fish and set in a deep dish.

    Arrange sliced tomatoes, salted vegetables, one salted plum tofu around the fish, and place the ginger slices on top. Add some water into the dish.

    Steam on high heat. (Timing may vary in accordance to fish size)

    Garnish with Spring onion and ginger strips.

Traceability Database

information from previous batches

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from source, to you

Understand how our partners take pride in getting the best for our customers.

Chinese Pomfret is a high prized, widely consumed fish during festive occasions, or celebrations. One of the reasons why they are highly regarded by many as the fish to feast on during such occasions is because of their almost circular shape, which represents fullness, and prosperity.

Chinese Pomfrets can be caught from Indonesia, Malaysia and India.

Port65 gets the freshest picks of Chinese Pomfret from our suppliers, ensuring quality for you.